Marc Howes
Hanshi Marc Howes IBK UK
IBK Special Advisor to the President of the Kyokushin Budokai All-Round Fighting section and Examination Committee
Hanshi Marc has been training in martial arts for over forty years. He began training in Wadoryu karate in 1973 in Pembroke, Wales and was twice junior Welsh Champion. He has fought in Knockdown Karate and represented his country fighting all over the world, including Russia, Denmark, Sweden, Spain and Greece. In the early 90s, he was the first to introduce Ashihara karate ‘The Fighting Karate’ to Scotland. In 1993 he met Kaicho Bluming and his Kyokushin Budokai system and at last Hanshi found the complete karate system he had been looking for. He has been a direct student of Kaicho since then. Hanshi specialises in Goshin (self defence) karate.
In 2019 he won the UK Hall of Fame Instructors Award for his dedication to martial arts.
- Hachidan (8th Dan 八段) Kyokushin Budokai,
- Yondan (4th Dan 四段) Ashihara Karate,
- Sandan (3rd Dan 参段/三) Tsuyoi Ryu Karate
- Shodan (1st Dan 初段) Wado Ryu Karate